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Emotet感染は、メールに添付のMicrosoft Officeファイルの開封や、メール本文に記載された悪意のあるリンク(URL)を開くことにより活動を開始します。
ファイルを開くと、MicrosoftやMicrosoft Officeのロゴなどと共に、数行のメッセージが書かれた文書が表示されます。ここで[編集を有効にする][コンテンツの有効化]などをクリックすると、悪意のあるマクロが起動し、Emotetに感染してしまいます。

Emotet と同時にトロイの木馬やランサムウェアに感染した場合は、オンラインバンキングのアカウント情報をはじめ、個人情報や企業情報が窃取されたり、パソコン内の保存データが暗号化されて身代金が要求されたりするケースもあります。



• 身に覚えのないメールの添付ファイルは開かない。メール本文中のURLリンクはクリックしない。
• 自分が送信したメールへの返信に見えるメールであっても、不自然な点があれば添付ファイルは開かない。
• OSやアプリケーション、アンチウィルスソフトのアップデートを行い常に最新の状態にする。
• 信頼できないメールに添付されたWord文書やExcelファイルを開いてしまい、マクロやセキュリティに関する警告が表示された場合、「マクロを有効にする」「コンテンツの有効化」というボタンはクリックしない。
• メールや文書ファイルの閲覧中、これまで見たことがない内容の警告ウインドウが表示され、その警告の意味が分からない場合は、操作を中断する。
• 不審なメールや添付ファイルを開いてしまった場合は、すぐにシステム管理部門等へ連絡する。

• 組織内への注意喚起の実施
• マルウエア付きメールの検知機能を持つ標的型攻撃メールセキュリティ製品の導入
• メール監査ログの有効化


【Newton IT Newsletter】Alert for “Emotet”, a malware that rages on the heels of a new COVID-19

COVID-19 is being used in a variety of malicious campaigns including Emotet.
Emotet is a targeted cyber-attack that attacks PCs via email.
Please find latest Emotet case in COVID-19 context and countermeasures against Emotet.
We hope that this information will be benefit to you.

◆What is “Emotet”?
Emotet is a type of malware that is highly infectious and spreading, and is used as a foundation for infecting other viruses in addition to stealing information.
Emotet infection is triggered by opening a Microsoft Office file attached to an email or opening a malicious link (URL) in the body of an email.
When you open the file, you’ll see a document with a few lines of messages on it, along with the Microsoft or Microsoft Office logo, etc. Clicking “Enable Edit” or “Enable Content” will launch a malicious macro that will infect Emotet.
Clicking on a URL downloads a virus embedded file on an external website, from which a cyber criminal operates. .
Emotet is characterized by the fact that the recipient’s name, email address, and the content of an email that they have exchanged in the past are used into an attack email to “pretend to be a legitimate email,” or the content may be clever enough to be opened in the course of business.
When infected, it can steal your email software settings and past emails from your computer. Based on the exploited information, fraudulent emails are created that cite past emails and pretend to be replies, which are then used to further spread Emotet.

If your PC is infected with Emotet and Trojan or ransomware at the same time, your online banking account information, as well as other personal and business information, could be stolen, or the data stored on your computer could be encrypted and held for ransom.

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the number of attacks disguised as information about the COVID-19 and sent to Emotet under the guise of a health centre.
The context often includes such as, “Please check the attached notice and take measures to prevent COVID-19 infection,” which is intended to induce the recipient to open the attached file.

Measures for users
– Do not open an attachment to an email that you don’t recognize. Do not click on the URL link.
– Even if the email looks like a reply to an email you sent, don’t open the attachment if there is anything unnatural about it.
– Update your OS, applications and anti-virus software to keep them up to date.
– If you open a Word document or Excel file attached to an untrusted email, and you get a macro or security warning, don’t click the “Enable Macros” or “Enable Content” button.
– If a warning window with contents you have not seen before appears while viewing a mail or document file, and you do not understand the meaning of the warning, abort the action.
– If you open a suspicious email or attached file, contact the system administration department immediately.
*The above is not only effective in preventing Emotet, but also as a general antivirus.

Countermeasures as a company
– Raising awareness within the organization
– Deployment of a targeted attack email security product with malware email detection
– Enable email audit logs

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding IT matters.